- 9 Station Street, Riddells Creek VIC 3431
Ann Bush is a Registered Nurse and also a Credentialed Diabetes Educator (CDE). She has specialised in diabetes since 1991, working as a CDE in hospitals and community health settings, and now in private practice – helping clients to self-manage their diabetes effectively and prevent complications.
Diabetes prevention and management is a strong passion for Ann and in addition to educating and coaching her clients, she also teaches post graduate diabetes educators and undergraduate nurses.
Ann Bush is currently the Chair of the Victorian Branch of the Australian Diabetes Educators Association (ADEA) and also sits on a number of professional sub committees looking at funding and development of diabetes education.
Ann has lived in the Macedon Ranges area for over 20 years and is keen to continue serving the community with quality diabetes care and support.
MON, WED, THU – 8:30am to 7pm
TUE, FRI – 8:30am to 5pm
SAT – 9am to 12 noon
Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays
CALL 000 immediately and ask for the Ambulance Service.
The nearest Public Hospital Emergency Department is Sunshine Hospital.
NURSE-ON-CALL offers phone advice for the cost of a local call on 1300 60 60 24
The Priority Primary Care Centre at Goonawarra Medical Centre in Sunbury is open everyday 8am to 10pm. Contact number 9744 9922